
Our passion is to create thoughtful designs for outdoor spaces that reflect my expertise and your unique lifestyle. With our help, you can convert all your ideas into a successful landscape project.


How to Choose a Perfect Freelance Landscape Architect for Your Project

Competition is rising and the selection of remote landscape architects is increasing rapidly. In the following article, I want to help all of you who are searching for freelance landscape architects by pointing out what are the most important elements that determine a great designer.

Benefits and Detriments of Xeriscaping

Xeriscape landscaping or short xeriscaping is a sustainable design approach with water-vise principles, drought-tolerant vegetation, and lawn alternatives such as rock, gravel, or mulch.

What to Keep in Mind Before Hiring a Remote Landscape Architect

Every project has its own path and leads to a different conclusion but the common thing for the beginning of all projects is gathering the necessary information.

About Us

Milica Pandurovic, CEO at Green Culture Studio

"I am a landscape architect who believes that innovative design and a holistic approach can restore the balance between nature and human needs.

Since finishing my studies in 2016, I have been working in the landscaping industry and participated in many workshops, always trying to follow new trends and developments.

Every project is a challenge on its own and has a different story to tell. My professional goal is to represent its uniqueness and create spaces that are sustainable, functional, and aesthetically pleasing."

Have questions? Need to request a quote? Contact us today!